The RT-HD's conventional design possesses four of the five layers as standard equipment: Radial Tires, TecsPakr adjustments from 100-300 pounds, 360-degree Seat Platform, and Dial Adjustable Seat. 61'' Front & Rear Radial Tires TecsPakr Underseat 360 Degree Seat Plate LED Light Kit 3'' Adjustable Seat 4 Bearing Spindles Adjustable Steering Arms 6'' Deep Deck 11 mph Top Speed 18,500 FPM Blade Tip Speed We've fine tuned our engine options for the RT-HD, offering the Vanguardr 810cc 26 hp ENGINE WARRANTY 3 Year FULL WARRANTY 3 Year / 500 Hour Residential - 2 Year / Unlimited Hour Commercial - 120 Day Belt Warranty DECK WARRANTY Lifetime on the leading edge HYDRAULIC DRIVE WARRANTY 3 Year / 1500 Hour CONTROL PANEL WARRANTY 3 Year
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